Friday, September 30, 2022

Information Technology Ethics Research

Information Technology Ethics 

Ethics- s in the broadest sense refers to the concern that humans have always had for figuring out how best to live. The philosopher Socrates is quoted as saying in 399 B.C. that “the most important thing is not life, but the good life. We would all like to avoid a bad life, one that is shameful and sad, fundamentally lacking in worthy achievements, unredeemed by love, kindness, beauty, friendship, courage, honor, joy, or grace.

Now the question is how to have a good life? This is the question that the study of ethics attempts to answer.

Keywords: (Americn Psychological Association , 2017) where it is studied either on a theoretical level (‘what is the best theory of the good life?’) or on a practical, applied level as will be our focus (‘how should we act in this or that situation, based upon our best theories of ethics?’). In community life, ethics is pursued through diverse cultural, political and religious ideals and practices, through which particular social groups give their members guidance about how best to live. On a personal level, it can be found in an individual’s self-reflection and continual strivings to become a better person. In work life, it is often formulated in formal codes or standards to which all members of a profession are held, such as those of medical or legal ethics. Professional ethics is also taught in dedicated courses, such as business ethics. Ethics can also be infused into courses such as this one.


 the question is how the technology will affect the ethics and why it’s important to know about it.

 There is a growing international consensus that ethics is of increasing importance to education in technical fields, and that it must become part of the language that technologists are comfortable using. Today, the world’s largest technical professional organization, IEEE (the Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers), has an entire division devoted just to technology ethics. 2 In 2014 IEEE began holding its own international conferences on ethics in engineering, science, and technology practice. To supplement its overarching professional code of ethics, IEEE is also working on new ethical standards in emerging areas such as AI, robotics, and data management. What is driving this growing focus on technology ethics? What is the reasoning behind it? The basic rationale is really quite simple. Technology increasingly shapes how human beings seek the good life, and with what degree of success. Well-designed and well-used technologies can make it easier for people to live well (for example, by allowing more efficient use and distribution of essential resources for a good life, such as food, water, energy, or medical care). Poorly designed or misused technologies can make it harder to live well (for example, by 1 Plato, Crito 48b. 2 An Introduction to Cybersecurity Ethics MODULE AUTHOR: 3 toxifying our environment, or by reinforcing unsafe, unhealthy or antisocial habits). Technologies are not ethically ‘neutral’, for they reflect the values that we ‘bake in’ to them with our design choices, as well as the values which guide our distribution and use of them. Technologies both reveal and shape what humans value, what we think is ‘good’ in life and worth seeking.



Online Resources (see also Appendix A) ABET (Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology).

ACM/IEEE-Computer Society. Software Engineering Code of Ethics and Professional

Information Technology Ethics Research

Information Technology Ethics  Ethics- s in the broadest sense refers to the concern that humans have always had for figuring out how best t...